[EDX] - Efficient HVAC Systems

Welcome to the Professional Certificate Program (PCP) Buildings as Sustainable Energy Systems, and in particular to the fourth course in this program, Efficient HVAC Systems.

This fourth course, Efficient HVAC Systems, has been developed to give you a basic understanding of the processes used to distribute and control heat, cold, and air and its humidity, whilst minimizing carbon emissions and optimizing thermal comfort. HVAC is the designated term for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning and it comprises all indoor climate systems and energy systems in a building.

Buildings and their energy systems are responsible for around 40% of the worldwide energy consumption and carbon emissions. Therefore, they have an essential role to play to achieve carbon reduction targets and increase the sustainability of the built environment.

With this PCP, consisting of four courses, you will acquire knowledge about thermal processes in buildings, the generation of heat, cold and electricity, and the interactions between buildings, occupants and energy systems. This last course will support you in making sustainable HVAC designs. We have a tremendous task to achieve to make the world’s building stock sustainable and I hope this PCP will contribute to it by giving you the tools you need in order to address this challenge.

I hope you will enjoy the coming 6 weeks and wish you good luck with the course!

Prof. dr. L (Laure) C.M. Itard and the BSES (Buildings as Sustainable Energy Systems) team